Oberlin College

Dear Diana,
Once there was a little deadline
It perched up in the air.
It hovered over people's heads
and dropped worry on their hair.

That deadline was extended-
It didn't go away!
It moved a little farther off
to give you another day.

Now February 1st is here-
it comes in one more day!
So please submit your Common App
and make no more delay.

Don't forget! The February 1 deadline extension for applications to Oberlin's College of Arts and Sciences expires tomorrow. To be considered for admission, submit your Common Application by midnight in your local time zone.

If you have any questions, please contact us either by phone at (800) 622-6243 or by email at college.admissions@oberlin.edu. We're in the office from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST.


Elizabeth Houston '06
Information Systems Coordinator
College of Arts & Sciences Admissions
Change the World. Go to Oberlin.

Oberlin College
College of Arts and Sciences Admissions
101 N Professor St., Oberlin, OH 44074

This email was sent to dianaaudrey@gmail.com by Elizabeth Houston, Oberlin College.
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