Undergraduate Admission
Loyola Marymount University | LA
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Investing in You

Dear Diana,

Life after college probably seems far down the road as you ponder the end of high school and the launch of your college career. If you feel as though high school has gone by quickly, you will appreciate how important it is to get an early start on identifying your career path and taking steps to prepare for your professional life as early as your freshman year. A Loyola Marymount University education integrates Career and Professional Development into the curriculum, insuring all students find opportunities throughout their four years to engage in meaningful preparation for life after college.

Even before classes begin, you will be invited to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder. This assessment highlights your natural talents and serves as a valuable resource in identifying major, career, and leadership opportunities. Coaches from our Career and Professional Development office will meet with you individually, helping you understand and leverage your results.

Internships are a valuable component of career preparation, and LMU offers 1,500 opportunities annually. Over two-thirds of LMU students take advantage of internships during their college experience, building desirable skills while connecting classroom learning to real world situations in the for-profit, non-profit, government, and service sectors. Internships abound in Los Angeles but can be pursued as far away as Beijing or London, to name just two international possibilities.

Experiential learning connects classroom and real world experience. Courses which emphasize community engagement and the opportunity to observe, analyze, and test classroom learning in real world situations can be found in all of LMU's undergraduate colleges; from science to film making, business to liberal arts, creative arts to education.

Combining these and other career and professional development experiences with our Los Angeles location and Jesuit tradition of educating men and women for and with others, Lions can define and pursue meaningful and purposeful lives after LMU.



We're particularly proud of the fact that over 90% of our Class of 2015 reported being employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. See what they do and where they go.

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Success Stories:

Recent LMU grads are making their mark. An electrical engineering grad is a software engineer at Nvidia, a political science grad is a strategist for a Washington, DC digital media firm, and a College of Business grad is a consultant with KMPG. Read their stories and many more.

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Success Stories

Career Treks

Career Treks:

This spring, some LMU students will head to Washington, DC to connect with LMU alumni and friends working in government, public policy, communications and other important and exciting careers.

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Silicon Beach comes to LMU:

A great advantage of LMU's location is our proximity to the emerging high tech and creative community known as Silicon Beach, located in Playa Vista, just down the hill from LMU's bluff top campus. This February, our Career and Professional Development office is bringing many Silicon Beach businesses and startups to campus for Silicon Beach LA.

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Los Angeles

Immersion Trip

Careers for Liberal Arts grads:

At LMU, we're proud of the placement record for all our students, including those in majors not directly linked to vocations and career paths. One resource available to our liberal arts students is Spotlight on Careers, with information and links for 30 different liberal arts career fields.

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