Remember to send your official AP Exam scores.
Dear Diana,
Congratulations! Your successful performance on AP® Exam(s) can earn you valuable credit at Florida public colleges and universities. College Board records indicate that you have achieved score(s) of 3 or higher on 2 AP Exam(s).
Florida public colleges and universities grant college credit for AP Exam scores of 3 and higher. Your achievement so far equates to an estimated 6 college credits, which could save approximately $1194.24 in tuition and fees.
If you're planning to attend a Florida public college or university in the future, remember to send your official AP Exam scores to ensure you receive this benefit.
Learn more about sending AP scores
For information on the essential steps to find, apply to, and attend the right college for you, download the CollegeGo app for iOS or Android today.
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Congratulations on your AP success and best of luck in the future.
Advanced Placement Program
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