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Aloha Diana,

Thank you for requesting more information about Hawai'i Pacific University. An information packet will be mailed out to you shortly. We encourage you to explore HPU, and picture yourself growing as a global citizen alongside students from around the world.

In the meantime, please check out the personalized HPU VIP page created just for you. It contains application and financial aid updates, as well as links to more information about specific majors, athletics, student life, and more.

Click here to log in to your VIP page.

Mahalo for becoming a VIP!


Marissa Bratton
Director of Admissions
Hawai'i Pacific University

Hawai`i Pacific University | Office of Admission
1164 Bishop Street | Honolulu, HI 96813-2882 | phone 1-866-CALL-HPU |

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