What better way to spend four years?
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You'll find discovery and adventure around every corner at Purdue University. We offer everything you want in a college experience:
More than 200 majors to explore, including programs in education, health and human sciences, technology and liberal arts, to name a few.
A vibrant undergraduate community consisting of nearly 30,000 students. Fill your social calendar with 1,000+ clubs, organizations and campus events each year.
Boiler Gold Rush — Purdue's unique first-year orientation that is more like a weeklong camp than a typical college orientation. Did we mention it includes running through the University fountains?
A premier location in one of the top 10 best college towns in America (West Lafayette), according to the American Institute for Economic Research's College Destination Index.
Confirm your information to learn more about what makes Purdue a nationally ranked public university.
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Purdue University
Office of Admissions
475 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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