Start Groundbreaking Research Right Away
Monday, February 15, 2016
Think you have to wait until grad school to conduct cutting-edge, life-changing research? Think again! Laura Santiago researched the most accurate way to diagnose lower-body stress fractures and published her findings in The American Journal of Sports Medicine—as a sophomore! Eugene Filik, Aaron Marlowe and Tyler Hockette joined their astrophysics professor on an excursion to the Andes Mountains, where they observed stars with the SMARTS telescope and discovered a rare pulsar system. At High Point University, you can start breaking ground right away, too. Fill out your BE EXTRAORDINARY card, then we'll send you access to our #EXTRAORDINARY e-guide and mail you a copy of our EXTRAORDINARY STORIES brochure—packed full of more incredible student experiences. | | |
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posted by Diana Audrey at 12:33 PM
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