Our urban classrooms flow into Hawaiʻi's natural beauty.
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Put your studies into motion. Discover new ways of thinking. Expand your horizons. These achievements are central to your life-changing educational adventure at Hawaiʻi Pacific University.
HPU offers honors and leadership programs, as well as unique academic opportunities including an Engineering 3-2 Dual Degree Math Concentration, a five-year program leading to dual degrees in Applied Mathematics and Engineering.

Honolulu is home to major financial institutions, government offices, health care agencies, tech companies and travel providers that offer experiential learning opportunities, an integral expansion of your academic programs. You can also conduct marine biology research on our coastal campus and 42-foot research vessel.

50+ undergraduate programs are energized by the diverse culture and welcoming spirit of Hawaiʻi, and through experiential opportunities that span the globe.

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Hawai'i Pacific University
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Hawai'i Pacific University
Office of Admission
One Aloha Tower Drive
Honolulu, HI 96813

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