Hawai'i Pacific University

Aloha Diana,

National Hug Day is February 12th and we want to share the love! 

Submit your application anytime between now and February 12 in order to have your application fee waived.  Please also pass on the love to friends or family that may be interested in applying! Remember that our priority application deadline is March 1.


Fee Waiver Instructions:


HPU's online application – use the code 'Hug' and your fee will be waived.


Common Application – select "Yes – I qualify for a pre-approved HPU waiver" when asked if you intend to use a school-specific fee waiver


Should you need any assistance please email us at admissions@hpu.edu or call toll free at 1-866-225-5478.


Office of Admissions
Hawai'i Pacific University



Find Out More
Connect With Us


Hawai'i Pacific University | Office of Admission
1 Aloha Tower Drive | Honolulu, HI 96813-2882 | phone 1-866-CALL-HPU
www.hpu.edu | admissions@hpu.edu

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