Kenyon College

“Your voice gets stronger the more you listen.”

Just hours after best-selling author, original nerdfighter and Kenyon graduate John Green ’00 addressed the Class of 2016 at Commencement, his speech quickly spread beyond the Hill and into the social media feeds of people who were inspired by his message of “learning to listen.”


Months later, in the aftermath of a politically divisive election, Green’s message feels more relevant than ever. Yes, come to Kenyon to listen to “your professors and to your peers, but also to Toni Morrison and Jane Austen and John Milton as you all together examine the big questions of our species.” And leave Kenyon with a knack for asking the right questions and listening carefully to the answers so that you can strengthen your own voice as well as the voices of those around you. The deadline to apply is January 15.



Kenyon College

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Gambier, Ohio 43022

(740) 427-5000

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