Meet HWS at a College Fair or High School Visit in Your Area
Hi Diana,

My name is Jacqueline DeLaFuente and I am the admissions counselor responsible for working with students from your school. As you start the college application process, it is important to note that demonstrated interest is considered a key component of your application to HWS. One way in which you can demonstrate your interest is by meeting me at a high school visit or college fair in your area. I will be traveling extensively throughout the fall, so there are plenty of opportunities to connect with me and continue the conversation about Hobart and William Smith. 
Search and register for events in your area:
College FairsHigh School Visits

I look forward to working with you throughout the application process and wish you all the best as you begin your senior year!



Jacqueline DeLaFuente
Associate Director of Admissions


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