Experience more. Experience AP.
Why take AP?
Advanced Placement® courses offer challenging academic experiences that can help prepare you for the next steps of your life. Get the scoop here:
AP® can help you get ahead in college

Tyler: "AP allowed me to see a part of the world I had always dreamed of visiting."
Talk to a counselor or teacher about AP

They can help you figure out if AP is right for you. Use this conversation starter to prepare.
Creative thinkers wanted for AP's newest course

Solve real-world problems using technology, teamwork, and your own creativity. Learn how computing and technology influence your world in AP Computer Science Principles.
Take the AP Challenge on QuizUp

Discover topics you might learn about in AP courses with the AP Challenge.
What can AP do for you?

Taking AP courses can help you stand out in college admission, earn college credit, skip introductory classes, and build college skills. Check out the rewards of taking AP.
Tweet with the head of AP

Join us for a live Twitter Q&A with College Board's head of AP, @AP_Trevor, on Tues., Feb. 23, from 6–7 PM Eastern. Tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskAPTrevor.
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