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Student Life at Rice


Undergraduates at Rice University share the pride of attending one of the country's most prominent research universities. Our diverse student body brings together artists, mathematicians, activists and scientists representing 53 U.S. states and territories and 44 countries.

Our distinctive approach to student life garners high praise. For eight years in a row, The Princeton Review has ranked Rice among the top universities in the nation for both "best quality of life" and "happiest students."

Every Rice student is a member of one of 11 residential colleges — primary centers for living, dining and studying, each with its own student government, faculty advisors, discretionary budget and intramural teams.

On-campus activities include approximately 240 clubs and organizations. Join student government, march with the MOB, volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, star in a student-produced play or cheer for our 14 Division I sports teams.

For the second year in a row, Rice was recognized with a Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, the only national award given to higher education institutions that demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to inclusion.

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