Dear DIANA,    The registration deadline is approaching for the January 23, 2016 SAT with Essay.   It looks like you started registering but haven't finished yet.    Registration deadline: 12/28/2015    Avoid late registration fees and finish your online registration now so that   you have a seat on test day.    Sign into your online account to pick up where you left off:    Now registration is even easier---you can upload your Admission Ticket photo   directly from Facebook or your computer.    After you register, be sure to check out the SAT's online free resources to   help you get ready for test day and plan your path to college.     Sincerely,    The SAT Program    -----------------------------------------------------------    Please do not respond to this email. Mail sent to this  address cannot be answered. For assistance, please email    (C) 2015 The College Board. All rights reserved.  The College Board, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY, 10281    (E-48)